You must use the cleaver to make one cut that separates one or more dice from the block. Lower it carefully into the seam beside the dice you want to cut away, then push the blade gently sideways to separate the dice from the block. Do not disturb the dice numbers when you cut. If the block gets messy, tidy it up. Gather your dice, without disturbing their numbers… it’s best to slide them instead of picking them up!
- The numbers on the dice you push must have a combined total of 10 or lower.
- If all dice in the block have a combined pip total of 10 or lower, simply take them all without cutting.
- The block must be in one piece when you are done; no portions disconnected or touching only by a corner.
If you have all of the ingredients displayed on any of your Recipes, you can cook! Each die counts as one ingredient of its type. •You may cook more than one Recipe per turn. •You don’t have to cook, even if you could. To cook, show everyone that you’ve got the right dice, then discard them into the frame. Flip your cooked Recipes face down. Don’t stack them; everyone needs to know how many Recipes you have completed.
HYPE CARDS When you cook a Recipe, you may also play a Hype from your hand (one per Recipe). Each Hype describes its requirements for playing it. Keep your Hypes in mind when cutting! Read it aloud to confirm that you have met its requirements before discarding your dice. Keep your scored Hypes paired face down with their Recipes; sometimes during scoring you need to know which one goes with which.
CHEF TOKEN Before you cook, you may discard your Chef token to change either the type or the number of one of your dice. You’ll get your Chef token back whenever anyone Restocks (see Restocking, below), so don’t be too cautious about using it!
Step 3 : Card Draw one card; a Hype from the deck, or a Recipe (from the deck or from the display). •If you draw a Recipe from the display, fill the gap with a new one drawn from the deck.
Ending turn At the end of your turn, you may keep (at most) eight dice, two Recipes and two Hypes. If you are over limit in any category, you must discard items of your choice until you are within the limits. Discarded dice go into the frame. Discarded cards go into separate discard piles; if either deck ever runs out, shuffle the discards to form a new deck.
When your turn starts if there is at least one ingredient type missing from the block, you may choose to Restock. If there are no dice left in the block, you must Restock. To Restock: Place the frame back in the middle of the table. Return all spent Chef tokens to their owners. Gather all spent dice, and all leftover dice from the block (players keep all of their unspent dice). Roll them loosely into the frame. Drag the frame diagonally so that all of the dice settle into a corner, forming a partially-complete block that is still neatly aligned in rows and columns. The particular shape of the block doesn’t matter; it usually won’t be a perfect rectangle. Take the rest of your turn as normal.
ENDING Endgame triggers when any player cooks their sixth recipe. They finish their turn, then each other player gets one more turn. Then the game is over. First, all players get one final turn to cook, using all of the normal rules. Then everyone tallies their own final score by adding the value of their completed Recipes and any accompanying Hypes. • Many Hypes are worth a set amount of points, but some of them score based on other criteria as described. Whoever has the highest score wins! If there’s a tie, the victory is shared!
0-30 Technique needs some sharpening
31-40 Now you're cooking!
41-50 Impressive cleaver work
51-60 Expert-level knife skills
61-70 Now you're just showing off
81+ How?!?