This game is easy peasy, pun intended.
The game plays in 3 rounds.
Each person starts with 8 cards
• 4 in the row (2 face up and 2 face down. The face up ones are laid over the face down ones)
• 4 in your hand
Game Play
On your turn, you can perform one of 2 actions:
1) Depending on whether the center card says UP or DOWN, discard a card that is higher than (or equal to) or lower than (or equal to) the card in the left or right discard pile.
2) Draw 2 cards and flip the UP/DOWN arrow. Then play a card. This card does not have to be one of the 2 you just drew.
You must perform (2) if you are not able to perform (1)
Bonus Action -- If the card you played is the same color as the previous card in the discard pile, you may play another card to the same discard pile or flip over a (face-down) pile.
Round End
A round ends when 1 player discarded all of their cards in their row or hand.
Game End
Game ends after 3 rounds.
Players count up the total scores in their hands and in their rows and score the HIGHER of the 2.
Scoring for the player who triggered the end of the round -- score 0 if their total is lower than everyone else's. Otherwise, score 2x their own total.
The player with the lowest points after 3 rounds wins the game.