Overview and Goal
- You are a gigantic Monster willing to do anything to become King of Tokyo.
- Your rampage brings you glory in the form of Victory Points (blue stars).
- To win, be the first Monster to gain 20 Victory Points.
- Or, get your claws out and eliminate your enemies.
- The last one standing claims victory!
Turn Overview
1. Roll Dice
2. Resolve Dice
3. Enter Tokyo
4. Buy Power cards
5. End of turn
Roll Dice
- On your turn, you can roll the dice up to three times. You can stop rolling any time.
- On the first Roll, 6 dice are rolled.
- For your second Roll, if you like some of your results, you can set them aside (click on them to lock them) and only roll the ones you don’t like again.
- For your third Roll, if you change your mind, you can roll any dice you set aside again (click on it to unlock it), along with any you still don’t like.
- After you finish your three Rolls (or you decide to stop), continue to the Resolve Dice step.
Resolve Dice
- Symbols rolled at the end of your last die Roll represent the actions of your turn.
Victory points (dice 1, 2 and 3)
- If you roll three-of-a-kind of a number (
), gain as many points as the number.
- Each additional die rolled with the same face gains you 1 additional point. (So rolling
scores 4 points.)
Energy (lightning bolt die)
Heal (heart die)
- If you are outside of Tokyo, you can gain 1 Life Point for each
die rolled. You cannot gain above 10 Life Points.
- If you are in Tokyo,
you roll do not let you gain Life Points (you can only gain Life Points with Power cards).
Smash (hand die)
- Monsters that are not in the same place as you lose 1 for each
die rolled.
- If you are in Tokyo (Tokyo City or Tokyo Bay) and you roll any
dice, you wound all Monsters outside of Tokyo.
- If you are outside of Tokyo and you roll any
dice, you wound all Monsters who are in Tokyo (Tokyo City and Tokyo Bay).
- These Monsters can then decide to Yield and leave Tokyo or stay. (Monsters who Yield Tokyo still lose Life Points.)
- Each
die results in losing one Life Point.
- If a Monster loses their last Life Point, they are eliminated.
- If a Monster yields Tokyo, the attacker must enter Tokyo.
- Since no Monster starts the game in Tokyo, the Monster who plays first does not cause Monsters to lose Life Points with
Note: Losing Life Points from a Power card effect is different than being attacked with dice. A Monster can only yield Tokyo when losing Life Points from
Enter Tokyo
- If no one is in Tokyo, you must enter and place your Monster in Tokyo City.
- You can only Yield when you lose Life Points from
results rolled by a Monster.
- No Monster starts the game in Tokyo. The first player will always enter Tokyo City during this step.
5/6 players
- With 5 to 6 players, if Tokyo City is occupied, but Tokyo Bay is empty, you must enter Tokyo Bay.
- Monsters in Tokyo City and Tokyo Bay are both considered “in Tokyo”.
- Tokyo Bay has the same effects as Tokyo City.
- Once the game has 4 or fewer players, you must leave Tokyo Bay immediately (except if Tokyo City is empty, in which case you move there).
Being in Tokyo (Tokyo City or Tokyo Bay)
Advantages and disadvantages:
- You gain 1 victory point when you enter Tokyo.
- You gain 2 victory points if you start your turn in Tokyo.
- Monsters in Tokyo cannot use
dice to heal
Buy Power cards
- You now may buy one or more of the three face-up cards. To buy a Power card, spend as many energy as the cost indicated at the top of the card.
- Replace bought cards immediately from the top of the deck. New cards are immediately available for purchase.
- You can also spend 2 energy to sweep all three face-up cards to the discard. Then reveal three new Power cards from the deck. They are immediately available for purchase.
- As long as you have enough energy, you can continue to buy or sweep cards.
Power cards can be one of two different types:
- Keep: Keep these cards face-up in front of you until the end of the game (unless something tells you to do otherwise).
- Discard: Resolve these cards immediately, then discard them.
End of turn
- Certain Power card effects activate at the end of your turn.
- Once you’re done, pass the dice to the player on your left.
Winning the Game
- The monster that first reaches 20 points or reduces all other monsters to 0 health is crowned King of Tokyo.
Power card clarifications
- If you reach 20 points and reach 0 Life Points in the same turn because of a Power card, you are eliminated. You must survive your turn to win.
- If all Monsters are eliminated at the same time… everyone loses!
- Power cards do not let Monsters go above 10 Life Points, unless a keep card says otherwise.
- If there are two Opportunist in play (because of Mimic), the first Monster clockwise from the Monster whose turn it is gets first opportunity to buy newly revealed cards.
Fire Breathing
- The Monsters of the players seated to your left and right each lose 1 Life Point. (They lose this even if they are in the same place as you.)
- If there are only 2 players, your opponent only loses 1 Life Point.
- Mimic copies the effects of a card as if it had just been played (with tokens, for example).
- If the copied card is discarded, Mimic no longer has an effect and you take back the associated token.
- You can place it on another Keep card at the start of your next turn (before you roll dice) by spending 1 energy.
Poison Spit & Shrink Ray
- Poison and Shrink tokens stay even if their associated cards are discarded.
- You cannot remove these tokens while you are in Tokyo: you must be outside of Tokyo to use the
die to remove tokens.
- Discarding your Keep cards happens in the End of Turn step. You get back the full cost of the card as printed, even if you bought it at a discount.
Power-Up! (Evolutions)
- This variant adds sets of evolution cards, giving each monster special abilities.
- At the start of the game, each player draws 2 evolutions and keep one in your hand.
- Whether a player rolls
, in addition to getting regular healing, they draw an evolution and add it to their hand. This can also apply in Tokyo.
- At any time, a player can play an evolution from their hand and applies its effect. If it is permanent, it stays like a keep card. Otherwise, it is discarded after activating.
Variants of Evolutions
- Active Evolution: Players start with a random evolution from the deck in play immediately.
- Controlled Evolution: When a player draws a evolution, they instead draw two and put one under their deck.
- Evolution Draft: All players get 8 random evolutions. Each keep one and passes the rest to the left, and repeat until all players keep 8 evolutions. These evolutions form their decks.
- Halloween version adds new Costume cards.
- Players choose one costume card at the beginning of the game.
- It is possible to have multiple Costume cards, as the unused Costume cards are shuffled on the deck, and can be bought like any other card.
- When a player rolls
or more, they can steal Costume cards from the players they damage (paying them the cost). They can steal several cards, from different players, in the same turn.
- Smash damage still applies when stealing cards is used.
Micro expansion: Even more wicked!
- This variant adds wickedness tiles that can be obtained with wickedness points.
- Whenever a player rolls
, in addition to getting regular points, they get wickedness points.
- For every
, player gets 2 wickedness points.
- For every
, player gets 1 wickedness point.
- The moment a player obtains a certain amount of wickedness points (3, 6, or 10), they may choose a wickedness tile.
- Once a wickedness tile is chosen, it goes into effect immediately and stays with the player until the end of the game (unless instructed otherwise).
Monster Pack: Cthulhu (Cultists)
- Battle of the Gods (part I) adds Cultists.
- After resolving your dice, if you rolled four identical faces, take a Cultist tile.
- At any time, you can discard one of your Cultist tiles to gain either: 1 Life Point, 1 energy, or one extra Roll.
Monster Pack: King Kong (Tokyo Tower)
- Nature vs. Machine (part I) adds Tokyo Tower.
- Claim a tower level by rolling at least
while in Tokyo.
- Monsters who control one or more levels gain the bonuses at the beginning of their turn: 1 Life Point for the bottom level, 1 Life Point and 1 Energy for the middle level (the bonuses are cumulative).
- Claiming the top level automatically wins the game.
Monster Pack: Anubis (Curse cards)
- Battle of the Gods (the revenge) adds Curses.
- There is always a curse in play, which affects all players.
- Roll the fate dice with the other dice on your turn. It is activated before your other dice.
- Eye means replace the curse, river means nothing happens, ankh means activate the blessing, snake means activate the snake effect.
- Some cards uses the golden scrab, which starts belonging to the player who will play last.
Monster Pack: Cybertooth (Berserk)
- Nature vs. Machine (the comeback) adds the berserk dice.
- When you roll 4 or more damage, you enter berserk mode.
- When you resolve the Skull face, you lose 1 Life Point.
- While in berserk mode, you also roll the berserk dice.
- You end berserk mode when you heal.
Mutant Evolutions variant (Transformation card)
- Mutant Evolution variant adds the transformation card.
- Each card has a biped form and a beast form. All players start at biped form.
- Before buying cards, players may spend 1 energy to change from biped form to beast form or vice versa.
- While in biped form, you can buy power cards.
- While in beast form, you cannot buy power cards, but you may reroll one of your dice an additional time.
2 players
This option is activated by default for 2-player tables.
- Instead of gaining 1 point when entering Tokyo, you gain 1 energy.
- Instead of gaining 2 points if you begin you turn in Tokyo, you gain 1 energy.
All other rules remain unchanged.
Card combinations
- If you have any doubt about card combinations, you can check these answers
For translators
Please don't touch the <strong>
, <i>
, and text between []
For card names, brackets contain the hexadecimal colour of names. This will specify the colour from this tag until the end, or until colour is redefined. You probably don't need to change them, but it can be useful to understand them as some card names will have different word count on some languages. You can check by putting code in the HEX field of the Google colour picker