In Mythicals the board game, 2 players have to collect cards of 4 different colors (4 elements). Those cards will be traded for mastery tiles which give victory points.
- 1 board
- 20 Mastery tiles
- 16 bonus markers
- 48 Creature cards
- 1 Day Card
All the mastery tiles are placed (open side) on the board according to their color and victory points.
All bonus markers are placed on the right side of the board.
Each player receives 2 creatures cards, always of 2 different colors.
The deck is formed with the Day card in the last 9 cards.
Gameplay Overview
The game plays over a series of turns until someone draws the Day card. All players will play one after the other.
Player Turn
On your turn, you MUST collect cards and then you MAY take a Mastery tile.
1. Collect Cards (required)
You must choose between drawing 3 cards from the deck and collect 1 to 3 drawn cards of the same color OR collect all the cards from any reserve (separated by color).
If you collect a card you already have, it goes to your opponent.
Cards are placed face up as stacks of different colors. NB : there is a BGA user preference to reverse order the cards in the stack.
2. Take a Mastery Tile (optional)
You may take up to 1 mastery tile per turn, each tile has its own requirements based on its position on the board (see BGA tooltips). You always need to discard cards from your collection to take a tile (+ take bonus markers on the tile if any).
After taking a tile, you may reinforce or lock another one on the board.
NB : Player'tiles are stacked in a way you only see the top one.
2.1 Reinforce a tile
Choose an open side (ie. not locked) tile and choose to place 1 or 2 bonus markers on it.
2.2 Lock a tile
Choose an open side (ie. not locked) tile with no bonus marker and click the button "LOCK" (or the lock icon), the tile is flipped to its locked side which cannot receive any bonus markers.
End of game
When the Day card is drawn from the deck, this is the last turn and the current player finishes the turn normally except locking/reinforceing is disabled (because it is useless).
- Each bonus marker count as 1 point
- Each taken Mastery tile gives an amount written on it
No tie breaker.