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Game Structure
- The two players alternate turns, each taking one action.
- The first turn for each player is a little different than the rest, but afterwards, all turns are the same.
- The Killer always goes first.
- The Inspector wins if they arrest the Killer.
- The Killer wins if they kill the Inspector, or kill any 16 characters.
Classic Mode
First Turn – Killer
- The Killer is given a random suspect card as their secret identity.
- On their first turn, they must make a Kill action.
- To do this, they choose one of the suspect cards on the board adjacent (either on the sides or the diagonals) to their secret identity, and turns that card face-down, to its deceased side.
First Turn – Inspector
- The Inspector must now select one of the 4 cards from their hand to be their secret identity.
- They set that card face-down in front of them.
- The Inspector loses if this person is killed.
- The others they keep in their hand as ‘evidence cards’.
Later Turns – Killer
- On each turn, the Killer must choose one of the following 3 actions and perform it:
- Shift a row or column
- Kill an adjacent suspect
- Disguise themselves (or attempt to)
Later Turns – Inspector
- On each turn, the Inspector must choose one of the following 3 actions and perform it:
- Shift a row or column
- Arrest an adjacent suspect or themselves
- Exonerate a suspect from the deck
Shift Action
- Both players have the ability to shift.
- To shift:
- Select any row or column on the board.
- You do not have to be in it or near the chosen row or column.
- Move all cards in the column vertically up or down, or move all cards in the row left or right.
- This will cause one card to ‘fall off’ the edge of the board.
- Place the card that falls off onto the new empty space on the other side.
- Note: You cannot use your shift to ‘undo’ the previous player’s shift.
- For example: if a player shifts a row right, the next move cannot be to shift that same row left.
Kill Action
- The Killer can kill a suspect just like they did on the first turn.
- They just pick a suspect who is adjacent to their character on the board, and turn that suspect to its deceased side.
- Since the Inspector is now one of the suspects, if the Inspector is killed, they reveal their own identity and the killer wins! Otherwise, play continues.
Arrest Action
- The Inspector can arrest a suspect whom they are adjacent to on the board.
- They may even arrest themselves to throw off suspicion.
- They simply point at the suspect and asks the killer “Are you [name]?” If the killer is the named suspect, the Inspector wins! Otherwise, play continues.
Disguise Action
- The Killer can attempt to disguise themselves to throw the Inspector off the trail.
- To do this, they draw a card from the top of the Evidence Deck, and then secretly checks to see if that character is still alive on the board.
- If the character is still alive, the Killer discards their current identity and turns that card to its deceased side, then places the drawn card drew face-down in front of them.
- It is the Killer's new secret identity.
- If the suspect is deceased, the Killer simply discards the card face up, and retains their old identity.
- Their turn is over either way.
Exonerate Action
- The Inspector draws one card from the Evidence Deck into their evidence hand.
- They must then discard a card from their hand face-up beside the board.
- If the discarded suspect is still live, it is easier to place the innocent card over top of their suspect card on the board.
- After Exonerating, the Inspector’s turn is over, and they should have 3 cards in their evidence hand.
Other Rules
- If the Evidence Deck is exhausted, the Disguise and Exonerate actions are no longer available.
- If an entire row or column of suspects are deceased, that row or column is removed, and the board shrinks.
Standard Mode
- In Standard Mode, when you disguise or exonerate, you put the innocent card you discard down onto the board, face-up, covering the existing suspect.
- If the suspect is already deceased, then don't do this.
- If you Exonerate (whether you place the suspect or not), you canvas the area around that suspect:
- the killer must tell if they are adjacent to the suspect.
- If you kill a suspect marked as innocent, you get to canvas the area around that suspect:
- the inspector must tell if they are adjacent to the suspect.
Citizen's Arrest Mode
- In this mode, instead of questioning everyone adjacent to an exonerated suspect, the Inspector can choose to arrest one adjacent character instead.
- Important: This rule applies even when the suspect being exonerated is already dead.
- Important: When doing a citizen's arrest, you do not get to draw a new card to replace the exonerated suspect.
- This permanently reduces the size of the inspector's hand by one.
- Thus, this option can be exercised at most three times per game.
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