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- 6 colours of locomotives.
- Each colour represents a different railway company.
- Each player is dealt a set supply of 5-10 locomotives, depending on the number of players:
Locomotives supply
3 players
10 locomotives
4 players
8 locomotives
5 players
6 locomotives
6 players
5 locomotives
- These locomotives represent the player's stock portfolio and are hidden behind their player screen.
- The rest of the locomotives are placed on the storing boards of respective colours.
Player turn
Build Track
- The active player takes 1 to 5 locomotives from any one locomotive storing board, and places them on the map.
- Placement must follow these rules:
- A new locomotive must be placed adjacent to an already placed locomotive of the same colour.
- Hexes separated by red/white checkered lines on the board are not considered adjacent and cannot be crossed.
- Two locomotives of the same colour cannot share the same hex.
- A rural hex may contain 2 locomotives of different colours, whilst city hexes may only contain a single locomotive.
- The Eiffel tower hex cannot be occupied.
- A locomotive cannot be placed in such a way that it would completely "cut off" another colour, unless that colour has already reached at least one city.
- When each locomotive is placed, it may be worth points for that company:
Points per hex
0 points
Rural hex
1 point
Beige city
2 points
Purple city
3 points
Red city
4 points
Blue city (Marseille)
- The value of each company is immediately updated with these points when a train is placed.
- The active player returns 1 locomotive of one company to a storing board, then receives 1 or 2 locomotives of an another company to put behind their player screen.
- The returned locomotive(s) must be from a different storing board (company).
- Locomotives taken and placed behind a player screen represent shares in a company.
- Depending on the number of players, a player may only have a certain maximum of locomotives.
- A player is not prevented from taking more, but this will result in a scoring penalty at the end of the game.
'Maximum' locomotives
3 players
20 locomotives
4 players
15 locomotives
5 players
12 locomotives
6 players
10 locomotives
End of Game
- The game ends immediately when:
- There are locomotives on only one of the storing boards
- OR
- A locomotive has been placed in Marseille
End Game Scoring
- Players score Victory Points by multiplying their shares in a company by the value of the company.
- This is done for each railway company (colour), and these are then totalled together.
- Any player with more than the maximum number of locomotives also subtracts 20 VP for each extra locomotive above this limit.
- The player with the most points is the winner.
- In case of a tie, there are several winners.
Game preferences
- To make the game more accessible for colourblind players, you can enable the Colour Accessible option to add distinctive patterns to the trains.
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