Play cards to manipulate your and your opponents' displays, but careful not to exceed 25 in card and token values
First, draw a card either from the deck or the discard
Then with the cards now in hand, you can either play a card or discard a card
If you play a card, it can either be played face up or face down
If you want to play a card face up, you have to be able to fully resolve it, otherwise it cannot be played this way
If you play a card face down, its effect is ignored and so is its value, but you can always check your facedown cards
If you have exceeded 25 in faceup cards and tokens, you self-eliminate
If you play an effect which causes another player to exceed 25 in faceup cards and tokens, you eliminate them and score 1VP
If you meet exactly 25, you end the round and score 1VP
Round End
The round can end in a number of ways
If a player has a value of 25 in their display, they gain 1VP
If all but one player have been eliminated, the remaining player gains 1VP
If the deck is depleted, the player with the highest value below 25 gains 1VP
A new round commences with the player who most recently gained a VP
Game End
The game ends immediately when a player gains their 3rd VP, they win!