{NB_PLAYERS_CONNECTED} online players:
{IN_GAME} playing •
{WAITING} available
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- 7×7 board.
- 5 light pieces.
- 5 dark pieces.
Game play
- Players take turns to move one of their pieces.
- Pieces have three possible speeds: 1, 2 or 3.
- Noted by the number of dots next to that piece's starting space.
- If a piece moves over an opponent's piece, the active piece moves one space further than the opponent's piece, regardless of its speed.
- The opponent's piece returns to the start or conversion line.
- A piece that moves to the other side and back to the start line is removed from the game.
Conversion line
- Pieces that reach the opposite side of the board are converted.
- The active piece changes direction.
- The active piece may also change speed:
- When a piece is sent back, it only moves back to the conversion line.
Game end
- The first player to move four pieces back to the start line wins.
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