A dungeon building drafting game that spans 4 years.
Game Structure
The game is played across 4 rounds known as years, followed by end game scoring.
Each year consists of:
- 4 turns
- counting gold
- marketplace purchases
- passing
- selecting a challenge card
Taking a Turn
- select a card from your hand.
- add it to one of the four slots in the current row.
- Rows are completed top to bottom, one row per year.
- Cards do not need to be connected by path to adjacent chambers in order to be a legal play.
- Cards are placed so they hide the gold value printed at the bottom of the cards from the previous year.
- For two player only, discard one card.
- Turns 1-3 only, pass remaining cards to the next player.
Counting Gold
- count all visible treasure chests in your dungeon, include tokens and printed chests.
- add all gold listed below the chamber.
- The total of treasure chests and visible gold is your available gold for the year.
Marketplace Purchases
- The person with the most available gold goes first/next. In case of a tie, the person who is furthest left on the Priority Track goes first.
- A market item includes all tokens listed for a single price.
- Select a market item and reduce your available gold according to the price.
- Place each token on your board. There is a limit of 4 elements per chamber, including tokens and printed elements. Secret Passages can be placed on any edge, including an edge leading to the entrance, exit or a row which has not been filled yet.
- If you do not wish to make a purchase, you may pass.
- Marketplace purchases continue, evaluating available gold after each purchase.
- Available Gold is reduced to zero.
- Move your token to the leftmost available slot on the Priority Tracker.
Selecting a Challenge Card
- Years 1 to 3 only.
- Select one of the Challenge Cards.
- Only you will score for the card you select.
- These will not be scored until the End Game scoring.
Chamber: A room in the dungeon, represented by the upper portion of a card. Includes paths in up to 4 directions and room for up to 4 elements. The chamber type is indicated in the top left of the chamber, either
Cluster: One or more chambers of the same type/colour which are connected orthogonally. Paths do not need to connect. A single cluster includes all the connected chambers of a single type.
Elements: A feature which is part of a chamber. Elements are divided into 4 categories: monsters, traps, reputation stars and treasure chests. Elements can be printed directly on a card/chamber or can appear on a token in the market place which can be purchased and added to a chamber.
Path: Paths are printed directly on the chamber floor. A path will continue into the next chamber if both chambers have a path leading into the other. Additionally, the path continues from chamber to chamber as if there were a printed path on each, if a Secret Passage token is added to the edge between the 2 chambers. A path includes the entire network of connected chambers, including side branches. A path does not need to connect to the entrance or exit unless specified. Note: BGA allows you to Show Paths. This highlights all paths, regardless if they are connected to the Entrance, Exit or each other. This is for improved visibility only and does not attempt to express path scoring.
Secret Passage: An alternate to a path & doorway. Secret Passages appear on tokens in the market place and can be purchased and added to the dungeon. Secret Passages are placed along the edge of a chamber to connect the 2 chambers as if there was a path passing through that wall. They can also be used to connect the Entrance to the chamber directly below it, or to connect the Exit to the chamber directly above it. Secret Passages are not elements and do not count as part of the 4 Element limit.
Single Path: The main path between any 2 chambers, without considering any side branches.
End Game Scoring
Assign points based on position on the Priority Track. Points are assigned Left to Right: 9/6/3
Assign points based on the Goal Card (Minotaur). Goals that require you to have the Most can only be earned if you have at least 1 of the qualifying conditions. Goals that require you to have the Least can be earned if you have none.
Assign points based on the scoring for each Challenge Card: Each player has 3. Include tokens and printed elements when calculating.
Assign points based on the Reputation Stars in your dungeon. Include tokens and printed stars when calculating. Silver Stars are negative points. Gold Stars are positive points.
Assign points based on your Blueprint. On BGA, completed requirements will show a checkmark.
Assign 1 point for each chamber which is connected to the Entrance. Include printed paths, Secret Passages and branches.
Assign 1 point for each chamber which is connected to the Exit. Include printed paths, Secret Passages and branches.
Tie Breaker: The person who scored highest on the Priority Tracker