Help your 10 adventurer meeples escape the island to one of the surrounding four corner pieces of land. The player with the highest combined value of escaped meeples wins. The game ends when all survivors have reached safety or three volcanoes have been revealed.
Each turn has three phases - Action, Rising Waters, and Creatures.
You have three actions. You can move one of your meeples or you can move an entire raft as long as you have control of it. You can also move empty rafts towards you.
Rising Waters
Once your actions are taken, flip a tile. The first tiles must be the sand tiles. Once they are all gone, you can then flip a forest. Once there are only mountains left, they can be turned over, but these are the deadliest tiles.
Each time you flip a tile, you will either summon a creature or gain an ability. Abilities can be played at any time during your movement phase.
Abilities include the moving a raft or swimmer 1-2 spaces (free move), rolling the creature die, moving a creature, or repellent (used when a creature attacks you).
Roll a creature die. The die will indicate which creature (Sea Serpents, Sharks, or Kaijus) to move.
End of the Game
The game ends when all adventurer meeples have escaped, or when the 3rd Volcano has been revealed. All adventurers remaining on the board when the 3rd Volcano is revealed give you 0 points. The player with the most treasure points wins. Players tied for the most treasure share the victory.
Sea Serpent
1 Water space
Removes Rafts and adventurer meeples (including swimmers).
1 or 2 Water spaces
Removes adventurer meeples that are swimming.
1 or 2 Water and/or Land spaces.
Removes Rafts, displaces other Creatures according to their movement rules, and displaces adventurer meeples. Can split adventurer meeples.
Kaijus cannot occupy the same space as other Creatures.
Tiles with Effects
Green Creature
Place a Shark on this space. If all Sharks are on the board, move one onto this space.
Tile distribution: x3 Beach, x3 Forest
Blue Creature
Place a Kaiju on this space. If both Kaijus are on the board, move one onto this space.
Tile distribution: x3 Beach, x2 Forest
Place a Raft on this space.
Tile distribution: x1 Beach, x3 Forest
Remove from the board all the Elements (Adventurers, Creatures, and Rafts) occupying this space and all adjacent Water spaces.
Tile distribution: x2 Forest, x4 Mountain
Remove from the board all the Elements (Adventurers and Creatures) occupying this space. Leave the volcano faceup on this space. It is no longer accessible. Reminder: When a 3rd Volcano is revealed, the game ends!
Tile distribution: x4 Mountain
Tiles with Abilities
Move an empty Raft or one that you control 1 or 2 spaces.
Tile distribution: x2 Beach
Move one of your Swimmers 1 or 2 Water spaces. This movement can end on land or on a Raft.
Tile distribution: x3 Beach, x1 Forest
Move any Creature on the board to any empty Water space.
Tile distribution: x2 Forest.
Creature die
Roll the die and move the corresponding Creature according to their Movement rules.
Tile distribution: x2 Beach, x2 Forest
You can use this Ability any time when one of your Adventurers is on the same space as a Shark or a Kaiju. Remove the Creature from the board.
Tile distribution: x2 beach, x1 Forest