{NB_PLAYERS_CONNECTED} online players:
{IN_GAME} playing •
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- One player plays as the nurse. The other plays as Capulet.
- Place the board between both players. The nurse places the 6 characters anywhere on the board, but each space can only have one character.
- Then, she chooses 2 characters to be Romeo and Juliet, disguised. They are placed down secretly. The other characters are returned to the box.
- Take the 15 pair tiles and place them next to the board. They are the possible combinations of Romeo and Juliet.
- On each round Capulet moves first. The players take turns to move an active character onto any empty space with their abilities. Then they flip it to the passive side.
- After all characters are moved, the nurse reports whether the lovers are in the same area. There are two areas on the board: the perimeter and the center. Capulet then eliminates all impossible pairs.
- After each round, all characters are flipped back to active.
End of the Game
- If Capulet eliminates pairs such that only one possible pair is left, he finds the lovers and wins.
- Otherwise, if seven rounds have passed and at least two pairs are left, the nurse successfully hid the lovers for seven days and wins.
Character Powers
- Princess: She can move any number of squares in any direction.
- Prince: He can move one square in any direction.
- Noble: He can move any number of squares orthodiagonally.
- Servant: He can move one square orthodiagonally.
- Bishop: He can move any number of squares diagonally.
- Friar: He can jump to the first empty space behind a character. He cannot jump in a direction with no characters.
- All characters except the friar cannot jump.
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