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We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. But my artery disagree with that.
Community moderators

Trying board games on for size in Edmundston NB 🇨🇦. Invite me to play Wingspan, 7 Wonders Duel, Space Base, Earth, Gizmos, Backgammon, Castles of Burgundy anytime, or any game really but give me a play or 2 to learn it and I will ask for a rematch.
J'essaie des jeux de société pour voir si ils me font à Edmundston NB 🇨🇦. Invitez moi a jouer Wingspan, 7 Wonders Duel, Space Base, Earth, Gizmos, Backgammon, Castles of Burgundy n'importe quand, ou n'importe quel jeu nouveau pour moi et donnez-moi une partie ou deux et je vais apprendre les règles, mais je vous demanderai une revanche.
J'essaie des jeux de société pour voir si ils me font à Edmundston NB 🇨🇦. Invitez moi a jouer Wingspan, 7 Wonders Duel, Space Base, Earth, Gizmos, Backgammon, Castles of Burgundy n'importe quand, ou n'importe quel jeu nouveau pour moi et donnez-moi une partie ou deux et je vais apprendre les règles, mais je vous demanderai une revanche.

Love to learn new games! What do you want to play?
Happy to be an Alpha tester - invite me to a game.
Just remember it is ONLY a game. Someone will win and someone will lose. How we handle ourselves in EITHER situation speaks VOLUMES!!!
Laugh, have fun and play again!
Happy to be an Alpha tester - invite me to a game.
Just remember it is ONLY a game. Someone will win and someone will lose. How we handle ourselves in EITHER situation speaks VOLUMES!!!
Laugh, have fun and play again!
Game developers

Games developed: Pyrga, Regidice, Hawaiian Hanafuda, Écarté, Stonks, Onda, Yahtzee, Pier 18, Blackjack, Farkle, 42, Bacon, Diamonds, Nain Jaune, Hoola, Dou Dizhu, Toepen, The Brambles, Spring Cleaning, Orchard, Bahama Taxi, Regicide, Hanamikoji, Two-Ten-Jack, Go-Stop, The Last, Hearts, Narabi, Art Thief, Poker Dice, Gin Rummy, Five Three Five, Power Vacuum, Indian Chief, Heckin Hounds, Paint the Roses, Sergeant Major, Ludo, Fibonachos, Forage, Tumbleweed, Yokai Septet, Big Two, Nap, Cradle to Grave, Claim, Gomoku, Twin Palms, Tiến Lên, Shut the Box, Mia, Euchre, The Fox in the Forest: Duet, Expressions, Pinochle, Ice and the Sky, Sasaki, German Whist, ECK, Enemy Anemone, Grove, Pente, Baby Dinosaur Rescue, Spite and Malice, Rummy, Dobro, Pescado Novo, Dungeon Rummy, Yaniv, Go Fish, Resist!, Golf, Kings in the Corner, Crisps, Canasta, President, Roppyakken, Seotda, Cucumber, Cheez-Tricks, Dickory, Sail, Durak, Seikatsu, The Fox in the Forest, Open Face Chinese Poker, Qu4to, Lure, For Northwood!, Fruit Picking, La Marche du Crabe, 31, Schnapsen, Sherlock 13, Park Life, Briscola, Minhwatu, Tranquility: The Ascent, Knockout Whist, Dominoes, Greasy Spoon, Blot, Sevens, cou
A floating octopus adorabilis

Games developed: 12 Chip Trick, Giraffe Raffe, Captain Flip, Panda Spin, Blood Rage, Vaalbara, Small World, Perfect Words, The Yellow House, It's a Wonderful Kingdom, Pyramido: Forgotten Treasures, Pandemic, My City, Khiva, Dobble Connect, Capybara'n'Capybara, Faraway, Kado, Oriflamme, Gang of Dice, Solstis, Jurassic Snack, The Number, Zenith, My City: Roll & Build, Ekko, Jekyll vs. Hyde, Roll'n Bump, Mojo, Easy Peasy, Pocket Cats, Middle Ages, Dracula vs Van Helsing, Umbrella, The Vale of Eternity, Paper World, Betta, Lost Seas, Dicy Cards

Games developed: Papayoo, Caverna, The Crew, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, Agricola, Coal Baron, Alhambra, Barrage, Yin Yang, Ancient Knowledge, Nidavellir, Gold’n’Crash, Memoir '44, Kingdom Builder, Akropolis, BANG!, Federation, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Santorini, Ark Nova, Welcome To, Altered, Number Drop, Marrakech, Rauha, Concept, Planet Unknown, Simplicity, Scythe
Developer of Santorini, Kingdom Builder, Concept, Welcome To, YinYang, Nidavellir and more to come...Co-dev of Alhambra, Papayoo, Marrakech, The Crew, Agricola, Bang, Equinox.

Games developed: Targi, Puerto Rico, Tablut, Color Pop, Red7, Djambi, Secret Moon, Saboteur, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, Elfenland, Eminent Domain: Microcosm, Tokaido, Diam's, Terra Mystica, Koi-Koi, CuBirds, Chess, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Jaipur, Sushi Go!, Checkers, Tobago, Lines of Action, Gomoku, Ginkgopolis
Do you mean rules have to be explained _before_ playing?-- Retired BGA admin since the 1st of March 2023: --
-- Just a regular player now :) --

Games developed: Rainbow, Senshi, Break the Code, Can't Stop Express, Isle of Trains: All Aboard, The Mother Road: Route 66, Verona Twist, Tinners' Trail, Mercado de Lisboa, Empire Plateau, Zooloretto, My First Castle Panic, Sushi Go Party!, Pyramid Poker, Stockpile, I'm The Boss, Herooj, Little Factory, Guile, The Gnomes of Zavandor, Samarkand, Balloon Pop!, Morocco, Queens & Kings... A Checkers Game, Dice Theme Park, BuyWord

Games developed: It's a Wonderful World, Caper: Europe, Blue Skies, Maracaibo, Jump Drive, Pirates of Maracaibo, Villagers, No Thanks!, Envelopes of Cash, Arctic Scavengers, Cosmoctopus, Streets, Daybreak, Gaia Project, Harvest, The Great Split, Spots, Art Decko, Strawberry Sunset, Space Station Phoenix, Astra, Beyond the Sun, Mini Rogue
Developer of Gaia Project, Maracaibo, It's a Wonderful World, and other BGA adaptations. Send me a message if you're looking to adapt your game!

Games developed: Vault: A Solitaire Dice Game, Lines of Action, Hens, Rolling Pins, Resolve, Block Arena, Vault: A Den of Thieves, Shifting Stones, Dance of Muses, Diceathlon, Inverted Dice, Panic Lab, Micro Midgard, Zefiria, Xxung, Geek Out! Masters, Nacho Pile, Micro Dojo, Zuuli, Siam, GrumbleStone, Pugs in Mugs, Belladone Bluff

Games developed: Living Forest, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, Photosynthesis, Looot, Stella – Dixit Universe, Survive The Island, Mech A Dream, Terraforming Mars, Lost Explorers, Nanatoridori, Next Station: London, Qawale, Splendor, Slide, CATAN, Next Station: Tokyo, Res Arcana, Mega Jackpot, 7 Wonders Architects, Color Flush, Next Station: Paris

Games developed: Dragon Line, Terraforming Mars, Origin, Eminent Domain: Microcosm, Madeira, Ultimate Railroads, Battleships Pencil & Paper, Kingdomino, Hive, Century: Spice Road, Lewis & Clark, Eminent Domain, Isaac, Tapestry, Russian Railroads, Signorie, Kabaleo, Patchwork, Nippon, Khronos, Dungeon Petz
I enjoy playing boardgames and also develop them for BGA in my spare time

Games developed: Egocentric World, War Chest, Dungeon Twister, Beer & Bread, Boomerang: Australia, Worldwide Tennis, Machiavelli, Le Roy des Ribauds, Tichu, Sensei, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Linx, Room 25, Legends of Hellas, Takenoko, Orion Duel, Khronos, Boomerang: Europe, Caïrn, Origin, Toy Battle
"My dear doctor...they’re all true. Even the lies? Especially the lies"Elim Garak

Games developed: Envelopes of Cash, Arctic Scavengers, Cosmoctopus, Streets, Daybreak, Gaia Project, Harvest, The Great Split, Spots, Art Decko, Strawberry Sunset, Space Station Phoenix, Astra, Monster Factory, Mini Rogue, It's a Wonderful World, Caper: Europe, Maracaibo, Jump Drive, Pirates of Maracaibo, Villagers
I develop games on BGA!If you're a publisher looking for a slick implementation, send me a message.

Games developed: Tiny Turbo Cars, Battle Spirits Saga, Codex Naturalis, Evergreen, Word Traveler, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Crafting the Cosmos, Splito, Timeline Twist, Kami, Dead Cells, Farm Club, D.E.I.: Divide et Impera, Inori, Loco Momo, Sagani, Norsemen, Citadels

Games developed: Clash of Decks, Volto, Room 25, Trek 12, Ticket Gagnant, Rallyman: GT, Super Fantasy Brawl, Architects of the West Kingdom, Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, The Crew, Anachrony, Hadrian's Wall, Chakra, Age of Civilization, DIG UP Adventure, Trekking the World

Games developed: Almadi, Amalfi - Renaissance, Odicey, Small Islands, Sahwari, Ratjack, Yokai, Rainforest, Flowers, Leaders, Maps of Misterra, Open Season, Potions of Azerland, Scriptoria, Gosu X, Eternitium

Games developed: Rive, Hadron, Mod Ten, Icebreaker, Fractal, Coins, Zola, Redstone, Diablo, Silo, Cephalopod, Herd, Dodo, Oust, Impasse, Gopher
Think outside the shrinkwrap.My niche as an abstract game designer is an architecture first approach. A set of rules has a beauty all its own, independent of the gameplay. Go, Reversi, Hex, and Y inspired me initially, without ever having played any of them. Like those games, my games are based on pure, simple, essential mechanisms - more discovery than invention. They aren't arbitrary or hodgepodge. I also try to make my games as unique as possible - different from what I've already done, and different from what's out there. I don't do "with a twist" games.
Other designers, some very successful, do it differently. They start with a concept, playtest it extensively, tweak it, playtest it again, tweak it again... until they arrive at gameplay which meets their high standards. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. I'm a decidedly below average player of games, and I'm not one to judge quality of play. I do playtest my games to make sure they don't have any robustness issues, but I can never really be sure until talented players get ahold of them and try to wring them out. Generally, the simpler a game is, the more vulnerable it is to problems. There was speculation that Dodo would quickly fall, but it's still standing strong.
Luckily, a small percentage of my games turned out to be pretty good in spite of my modus operandi.
My journey at BGA. I am not a programmer. I saw that there were tutorials and I thought, How hard can it be? Little did I know. I designed Gopher as a super simple game to make my first programming project easy. It wasn't. My strategy was to copy the Reversi program and swap out the graphics and game logic. My program was a total kludge and it took a lot of work by Sunil Patel to make it functional. He was a fan of my game, Flume, which he had programmed for his own fledgling game site, and he took me under his wing. He disappeared after Gopher, but then Tisaac stepped in and helped me quite a lot on various game programs. He wasn't writing my programs for me but he always told me just what I need to know to get back on track. Tisaac really helped me get a toehold at BGA. UFM deserves mention for his help with the pie rule and player panel which I've used in many programs since. Eventually I would get through a few programs without needing any help. But then I got stuck on Cephalopod and VictoriaLa came to the rescue.
The developers are overall a stellar bunch of guys (and girls). To those who helped, reluctantly or otherwise, I say Thank you. It was noble of you to take time away from your own projects to help a doddering old amateur develop a game program that would be lucky to get .01% of the playership.
The admins here are awesome. Most have personally thanked me for my contributions. Pleasant admins are the exception to the rule. At most game sites the admins are dimwits who take pleasure in lording over the designers.
To me, designers are the apex predators. Selectors (developers) play an important role but are decidedly lower in the food chain. In my case, I wear a designer hat with a little developer feather in the band. My specialty, the naturally finite (no superko etc.), decisive abstract, is the highest form of a game.
Other designers I admire include Michael Amundsen and Alek Erickson. I view Michael as the current torch bearer in this thin sliver of the design universe we've found ourselves in. Alek has collaborated with Michael on many designs. I like Christian Freeling. He's been around for a long time designing Chess and Checkers variants.
There aren't many shrink-wrapped games I like. Azul for example, popular though it is, totally misses me.
I've lived in Mongolia since March 2019. I lived in California for 20 years before moving here.
Article about me:
Article by me:
Mark Steere Games chat:

Games developed: Memoir '44, Scythe, Dice Forge, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Altered, The Builders: Middle Ages, Number Drop, Ark Nova, Agricola, Caverna, Nidavellir, Barrage, The Builders: Antiquity
Let's roll :)

Games developed: Rauha, Boreal, Great Western Trail: El Paso, Dice Hospital: ER – Emergency Roll, Planet Unknown, Nirds, Hydroracers, Forest Shuffle, Flowers: A Mandala Game, Colorado, Gold’n’Crash, OASIS New Hope, Treos
Auteur de jeux en herbe, Hydroracers ici. Etdeveloppeur BGA si l'occasion se présente. Contactez-moi.

Games developed: Crypt, Forever Home, Orléans, Sky Team, Festival, Dog Park, Cartographers, Canvas, Fromage, The White Castle, Quibbles, Exploding Kittens, Stonespine Architects
Avid BoardgamerDeveloper of BGA games
Looking to get your game on the platform? Feel free to contact me for more info!

Games developed: Trio, Carcassonne, Mammalath, Tapestry, Sapiens, Happy City, Buttons, Potion Explosion, Nine Men's Morris, Veletas, Keyflower, Exploration: Warzone

Games developed: Expeditions: Around the World, Inside Job, Spot it, Harmonies, Get the MacGuffin, Festi’vibes, Just Desserts, Nimalia, Seasons, New York Zoo, Superstore 3000

Games developed: In The Year of the Dragon, Stone Age, Donuts, Race for the Galaxy, Abalone, Lost Cities, Hack Trick, Alhambra, Dungeon Twister, Carcassonne
Let's be serious: it's a game.

Games developed: Hypnosia, Marram, Yahtzee, Circle of Life, The King's Guild, Wastelandia, Blooms, Mattock, Penny Press, Medo

Games developed: For Sale, Chocolate Factory, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, The Voyages of Marco Polo, Piepmatz, La Granja, Obsession, Dragon Castle, Tiny Farms

Games developed: SETUP, Strands, Lielow, Rift Valley Reserve, Challengers!, Roll Into Town, Ghost At Home, Go Goa, EKONOS

Games developed: Lords of Xidit, Tournay, The Palaces of Carrara, Quoridor, Quantum, Time Masters, Sobek, Metromania, Gear & Piston
Adapted for BGA: Quoridor, Gear&Piston, Tournay, Time Masters, Sobek, Quantum, The Palaces of Carrara, Lords of Xidit and Metromania ^^

Games developed: Undergrove, Toy Battle, Biomos, Let's Go! To Japan, Let's Catch the Lion!, High Season, SpellBook, Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Symbiose

Games developed: Maatatahay, Bunny Boom, Trailblazers, Stalk Exchange, Unrest, Coffee, Gnome Hollow, Finca, Dédale

Games developed: Cannonades, Wizards of the Grimoire, Arboretum, Wizard, Aquatica, 13 Clues, Chemical Overload, Dungeon Roll, Goblin Hood
BGA Developer of Wizard, Dungeon Roll, 13 Clues and Wizards of the Grimoire

Games developed: Abyss, Rest In Peace, Karvi, Crime Zoom: A Dirty Objective, Botanicus, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, A Feast for Odin, Skull
Rashly grab a demo for tabletop play (9)

Games developed: Skat, The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade, Solo, Big Time Soccer, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Sapiens, Stir Fry Eighteen, GORami
Stets auf der Suche nach frischem Löwenzahn...

Games developed: Talon, Quartermaster General: East Front, Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe, Quirky Quarks, Age of Champagne, The Great American Fox Hunt, Space Empires: 4X, Dice Mission

Games developed: 15 Days, All In, Legend Raiders, Tang Hu Lu, Similo, Bower, Spirits of the Forest, Golems

Games developed: Piraten kapern, Spades, That's Life!, Connect6, Hugo, Vulture Culture, Murus Gallicus

Games developed: Earth, Bärenpark, The Isle of Cats, Draft & Write Records, Gold West, Romi Rami, GOLDblivion
Gamer, Software Developer (on BGA and elsewhere) and other things too. Developed BGA adaptations for Gold West, The Isle of Cats, Bärenpark, Earth, GOLDblivion, Romi Rami and Draft & Write Records.Joueur, Programmeur (sur BGA et ailleurs) et d'autres choses aussi. J'ai développé les adaptations BGA de Gold West, The Isle of Cats (L'île des chats), Bärenpark, Earth, GOLDblivion, Romi Rami et Draft & Write Records.

Games developed: Schrödinger's Cats, Boomerang: Australia, Imhotep, Lucky Numbers, Fai-fo, Boomerang: USA, Boomerang: Europe
BGA developer of Lucky Numbers, Imhotep, Schrödinger's Cats and the Boomerang series (Australia, Europe, USA)

Games developed: Turn the tide, Pingimus, Elfenland, Rage, El Grande, Haiclue, Thurn and Taxis

Games developed: Tikal, Glass Road, Mandala, That Time You Killed Me, Architects of Amytis, Hadara, Mexica

Games developed: Qango, Metz, Diced Veggies, Amazonas, Pacifica, Bauer, Cookie Addict!
Boardgamer for ages and enjoying playing and developing new games on BGA

Games developed: Twinkle Twinkle, boop., Mountain Goats, River Valley Glassworks, The Shipwreck Arcana, On Tour, Roll to the Top: Journeys
Developer of boop., Roll to the Top: Journeys, On Tour, Mountain Goats and other BGA adaptations. Send me a message if you're looking to adapt your game!

Games developed: Splendor, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, Nanatoridori, Slide, Next Station: Paris, 101: the match

Games developed: Incan Gold, Santorini, Taluva, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Veggie Garden, Takara Island
Developer of:INCAN GOLD
...and board game geek

Games developed: Battle Sheep, Kingdomino, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Not Alone, Through the Ages, Tzolk'in
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Games developed: Simplicity, BANG!, Martian Dice, 51st State, 3000 Scoundrels, Just One
Hi! I am a developer of Martian Dice, Just One and 51st State, co-developer of BANG! and a very passionate boardgamer :)I am a Russian living in the UK. Would love to play some boardgames IRL!

Games developed: Detective Poker, Finity, Palace, Saint Poker, Auntie Mildred's list of random tasks, Commander Chess
BGA developer & Abe wannabe:Hello...Hello..............Follow me.....
Great games, you might have missed:
Number Drop.
The Battle for Hill 218.
Martian Dice.
Not Alone.
Pax Pamir.
War Chest.
Super Fantasy Brawl.

Games developed: Batalla de Coronas, Zookeepers, Mate, Nibble, Gems of Iridescia, Persona Non Grata

Games developed: Go Nuts for Donuts, Dragonwood, Bloxo, Super Mega Lucky Box, Chimera Station

Games developed: Applejack, Splitter, Knister, Road to 300, Framework
Vater, Ehemann, Programmierer und Brettspieler aus Leidenschaft

Games developed: Donuts, Railroad Ink, Quetzal, Mr. Jack, Perudo
Let me teach you this delightfully silly game

Games developed: River of Gold, Coal Baron, Flip Freighters, Wolf and Sheep, Mythicals the boardgame
Software Developer,Freelance BGA games Developer known as "joesimpson":
* some games are in alpha,
* 4 games are released

Games developed: Perikles, The Lady and the Tiger (Doors), For-Ex, Trick of the Rails, In The Year of the Dragon
I am a collector with too many games on my Shelf of Shame.I implement games for BGA as a hobby.

Games developed: Lost Ruins of Arnak, Draftosaurus, Squadro, Bug
Game designer (Project L, Snekagon), developer, mid-euro player. My BGA projects:
Released: Draftosaurus, Lost ruins of Arnak
Beta: Squadro, Bug
Alpha: Snekagon,
Upcoming projects: Project L

Games developed: Iwari, Darwin's Journey, DVONN, Tuned
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

Games developed: Bayonets & Tomahawks, Pax Renaissance, Pax Pamir: Second Edition, A Gest of Robin Hood

Games developed: Tock, French Tarot, Innovation
Non non l'appelez pas ça s’ joue à 3 !Bon c'est pas grave on va s’ démerder…

Games developed: Bonsai, Forks: 2nd Edition, Tapas
Sometimes I write games for BGA in my spare time.

Games developed: Five Tribes, Fika, Gizmos
When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change---
Journey before destination

Games developed: Barbu, Burgle Bros., Luxor
Developer of Barbu, Luxor, HarbourCo-dev of Burgle Bros.

Games developed: Federation, Pook, Big Monster
Developer of Big Monster, PookCo-dev. of Federation
And maybe more to come... ;)

Games developed: Tic-Tac Match, The Crew
Working my way to being an Alpha reviewer (up to 700+ games).Developer:
In the meantime, I also started making BGA games.
My first implementation is the 2 player variant for The Crew, Jarvis.
I really appreciate the help from the BGA Dev Community, thanks to Tisaac, Thoun, VictoriaLa, Vincentt, and Archduke.
I developed Tic-Tac Match, currently in Beta. a filler card game inspired by tic tac toe.

Games developed: Soluna, Tea Time
Board game designer of games like Assyria, Byzanz, Pioneers and many others. I am also a software engineering.

Games developed: Steam Works, Ponte del Diavolo
I play bass guitar and Euro board games. I go to Emmanuel Church and I helped design your phone's brain.

Games developed: Ninjan, Odin
Designer of P for Pizza and Don't Flock Up. Developer of Odin and Ninjan on BGA.

Games developed: Hachihachi, Cucco
Japanese boardgame player.I like to play games very much, but I'm not a good player.

Games developed: Race for the Galaxy
I have taken over the maintenance of Race for the Galaxy. While I didn't wrote the original implementation (it was sourisdudesert), I fixed tons of bugs in the expansions and added many improvements to the interface.There's still a lot to do.

Games developed: Connect Four
Favourite Games:- Connect Four
- Kalah
- Werewolf
- Hanabi
- Carcassonne

Games developed: Innovation
I love innovation and am part of the volunteer dev teamhighest innovation elo? 460 (78th) ->220726
highest vectorace elo? 391 (14th) ->221028
highest wingspan elo? 326 () ->241220
I was 1st for sometime in all time elo for Liverpool rummy
highest wingspan score 111 on 241220, bonus card points 24
ranks not tied to elo/date, just when I notice

Games developed: Chromino
Hi all 👋 I'm a volunteer developer for BGA and enjoy adapting board games onto the BGA platform for all players to have fun on.I also have a YouTube channel where I share my love of board games:

Games developed: Reflection
I made a browser extension for BGA. Learn more here: you like it, why not buying me a coffee ?

Games developed: Cacao
Développeur informatique, a découvert les jeux de société depuis peu.

Games developed: The Battle for Hill 218
Software Developer and lover of all types of games from Sydney, Australia

Games developed: Dinosaur Tea Party
I've developed the BGA adaptation for Dinosaur Tea Party

Games developed: Geek Out! Masters
Geek, nerd, freak, terco y vago. Web & Desktop Developer. Adicto a Internet. Vivo la vida de a 140 caracteres a la vez.

Games developed: The Shipwreck Arcana
I love deck-building, deduction, and cooperative games (though I also enjoy lots of other things!).I'm a software developer, and I'm working on BGA implementations of Burgle Bros 2 and Effortless at the moment (in addition to the complete projects listed under "games developed"). If you're interested in adapting your game for BGA, send me a message!

Games developed: Gangsta!
Discover Gangsta!, the first game created by Schmeta Games, a brand new game publishing company from Belgium:

Games developed: Bao la Kiswahili
I love board games since childhood. And since school, we have a weekly board game evening going, since about 10 years even with web based result protocol. When Covid changed the world, it also changed our boardgaming and we discovered BGA, which is since then our weekly gaming place. Besides that, also my family likes to play board games, in real and on BGA, so I'm quite happy about it! And being a software engineer, it gave me the chance to publish a game myself:

Games developed: Kmakici Family's greatest teatime
Part-time game designer, part-time translator, part-time reviewer, part-time chikuwa and tiramisu lover, and part-time world peace thinker.

Games developed: Dice Summoners
Board game designer from Decking Awesome Games (

Games developed: Hungarian Tarokk
Favourites: Tarokk, Hanabi, Agricola.I like discussing.
I don't like arguing.
I enjoy the fact that there isn't a single correct way to play Hanabi (or pretty much any other game, for that matter).

Games developed: Bids
I'm the developer of the Bids card game. You can find my game here on BGA. If you have questions about the game, feel free to ask

Games developed: Kiri-ai: The Duel
Master of CS (ASU). Game Software Engineer. AGS Money Charge Ying Da, Boo Bucks (Unity+HLSL). ETBIM Construction Safety (VR+Interactions). BGA: Kiri-ai

Games developed: Thrive
I'm Martin Grider, board game designer and video game developer. My game development blog is, games you can buy at

Games developed: Remember When
Avid follower of Christ, husband, father and gamer. I developed Remember When here on BoardGameArena.

Games developed: Trusis
Developer and creator of Trusis, a simple murder party game now available on BGA!

Games developed: Reflections in the Looking Glass
I love board games in real life and online! I am the president of the Colorado Game Designers Guild and I have one game here on BGA: Reflections in the Looking Glass. I'm also usually ranked in about 5 games on BGA at any given time. Let have some fun!

Games developed: Kingdoms
Retired. Play lots of pickleball and love to cook (anything and everything, simple to gourmet).Maintained Space Base on BGA for 1 1/2 years. My volunteer contribution.

Games developed: Grosstarock
I love traditional card games - especially Tarot games. Feel free to hit me up for one!

Games developed: Calypso
Cards, but also sometimes not cards.Developed Calypso (currently in beta)
Translators (in your language)
(Translators with more than 100 validated strings)